So anywhos, it had been ages, almost a year back when I made cheesecakes, and so thought could try out testing a recipe from Our Lady of cooking/home living/entertaining/styling/and the list goes on , ladies and gentlemen --- Martha Stewart......(applause applause!!)
In her book Martha Stewart's CUPCAKES, there is a pretty recipe about making the cheesecake.
The recipe follows: makes 16 cups
3/4 cup finely ground sweet crackers (or non-salty ones) - I used Petit Lu Caramel
1 1/2 tablespoons butter (unsalted and melted)
3/4 cups sugar + 2 1/2 sugar
125 grams fresh raspberries
450 grams cream cheese
pinch of salt
2 eggs at room temperature
2 tablespoon tequila
Preheat oven to 180°C. Line the cupcake tins with liners.
- Mix the crakers with the butter and 1 1/2 sugar. Press 1 tablespoon of the mixture firmly into the bottom of each cup. Pop into the oven for 5 minutes, and then cool on a wire rack.
- Purée the raspberries in a mixer untill smooth. Pass this mixture through a wire mesh colander/sieve. Remove as much liquid as possible without retaining too many seeds. Mix in 1 teaspoon of sugar.
- Beat the cream cheeese on high speed for 5-8 minutes untill fluffy. Be sure to scrap down the sides of the bowl to ensure even beating.
- Add remaining cups of sugar in a slow and steady stream. Add the salt and tequila untill well combined.
- Add the eggs one by one, beating for 1-2 minutes between each addition.
- Spoon 3 tablesspoons of the mixture over each cupcake tin. Add 1 teaspoon of prepared raspberry purée in a few dots. With a wooden skewer or toothpick, swirl the sauce around in the cup to achieve the textured finish.
- Create a small bain-marie by taking a roasting pan or a large lasagne dish. Put the cupcake tins in this pan and pour hot water in the large pan, the water should reach 3/4 of the cupcake tins.
- Bake for 22-25 minutes, rotate the pan halfway through and 10 minutes to ensure even cooking.
- Once done, cool and refrigerate for at least 4 hours.
- Remove from the tins just before serving. These small bites of heaven taste great with fresh fruits.