Wednesday, June 23, 2010

M&M Mania– June edition

Days just seem to whiz by! Seriously, I thought it was just a few days by that I hadn’t made anything in my precious little oven, and boom, before you know it, it’s almost a month! Gulp. 

In all fairness, it was my 30th birthday (I know I should be graceful about aging and stuff, but hell no, I am a big 3 zero!), a quick dash to motherland and back and getting ready to go ITALIA! Aaaaooooooo
So as P was going to camp out in some hotel in Milan, I thought I’d be a good wifey, and make him some goodies. Now knowing his penchant for sweets, I thought I’d whip a batch of muffins (and some madeleines)

I just had to try out madeleines, they are so cute, and besides, on a sceptical note, I bought a silicone mould for the madeleines. Now, I read on one of the million sites that I surf everyday, for inspiration of course, that the silicone moulds do not really yield good results. But I wasn’t able to find the good ol’ metal mould. So anywhos, went ahead and bought the mould, and I must say, not heeding to my hesitation, they turned out just fine. Perfectly fine. Fat and fluffy.

So here’s a run down of the Muffin & Madeleine Mania.

Spiced Chocolate Chip Muffins
Speculoos Ginger Madeleines

1 comment:

  1. Your bro in law luuvs them madeleines .. hint hint !
